Corporate & Financial

Practice Areas

Audiences that affect outcomes span from investors and analysts, partners, key opinion leaders (KOLs), healthcare providers (HCPs), regulators, lawmakers, consumers, patients and their advocates, and employees. Using strategic counsel and tactical support, we reach these audiences through direct communication, third-parties, scientific or thought leadership, social and earned media.

Corporate & Financial Communications

The Story Is Fundamental

All of our partnerships begin with the story. Storytelling, newsflow planning, visibility campaigns and competitive positioning are all fundamental components to properly conveying your message, vision and value proposition. The right story engages your audience and compels them to action. Argot Partners prides itself on insightful and informed written deliverables, ensuring that the client’s long-term goals and investment rationale are communicated and that the company is positioned to create and preserve value.

Investor Relations

Investors & Analysts are Vital Audiences

Knowing the audiences that can help realize the value of your enterprise, and understanding their diligence needs, is a foundational practice at Argot Partners. We work with senior management and IR professionals on all IR needs, from targeting and outreach to ongoing relationship management, from quarterly announcements to key outcomes communication, and from banking conference planning and execution to medical meeting support. With our proprietary CRM, Acumen, we help you manage and track your relationships over time to help translate interest into action.

Attracting Capital Is Fundamental to Success

As with all things related to the capital markets, timing is everything. Argot Partners will help advise you on when and where to seek investors that can support your next financing. We work together with your banking team to ensure both an efficient offering process and an allocation that will help support your long-term success. Our independence from the capital markets and its associated fees allows us to put our clients first.

Initial Public Offerings

The Transition to the Public Markets is a Complex Process

Argot Partners brings a depth of knowledge and discipline to the process of offering your securities to the public for the first time. IPOs and other vehicles to bring a company public are a communications-intensive period and involve storytelling that lives well beyond the transaction. Companies must also establish best practices in anticipation of operating as a public company and prepare for increased scrutiny from a variety of audiences. It is through this lens that we seek to advise our clients not just on the offering, but in the transition to life as a public company.

Merged Media

Merged Media – Print, Digital, Broadcast – are Force Multipliers That Project Your Story and Give it Dimension

Merged media draws together the disciplines of earned media and digital/social strategy to amplify your story and reach audiences from investors to current/prospective employees, key opinion leaders, HCPs, regulators, lawmakers, patients and their advocates.

Argot Partners has delivered on media campaigns that touch both industry media and broader consumer and mass media, from morning shows to Time Magazine, to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Be it a “coming out of stealth” announcement or a major industry transaction, our media team delivers broad coverage of meaningful corporate news by leveraging decades of media relationships.

Social/digital strategy takes this further by delivering unfiltered narratives that project your culture, your mission, your values, your data and your scientific leadership. Argot Partners delivers campaigns that garner attention within industry and beyond, all with a specific corporate goal in mind, be it recruiting, corporate cohesiveness, clarifying your approach or positioning, highlighting your investment rationale or sharing complex data.

Key Outcome, Partnership &
Special Situation Communications

Communications Tailored to Your Specific Business Needs

Key data announcements, partnerships, product approvals, executive and Board transitions, corporate repositioning, regulatory updates, ESG, DEI, and many other key outcome and special situation communications require foresight and experience to handle effectively.

Reputation is built in drops and lost in buckets. Argot Partners, through years of experience and a deep bench of senior communicators, has built communications programs around countless key outcome, partnership and special situations announcements that can alter corporate trajectory. We share our depth of knowledge internally, adjudicate strategy among our team members and provide case studies and backup where appropriate to ensure our clients can confidently communicate through periods of transformation or challenge.

Creative Services

Building Your Brand

The visual representation of complex biological processes and pathways, data, drug mechanisms, corporate strategy and timelines can be the difference between effectively communicating a story or not. Our design team integrates a number of disciplines to help you translate complex ideas into a visual medium that enhances understanding and recall. Our offerings include:

Commercial Readiness & Launch

Your Product

Preparing for a successful commercial launch is critical for companies as they advance their pipelines, as is sustaining the momentum of an approved product that is on the market. Argot collaborates with BW Health Group, a Danforth Advisors Company, to bring clients market research, patient insights, and the full range of commercial readiness, product launch and post-launch product marketing services.

Corporate & Financial Communications

The Story Is Fundamental

All of our partnerships begin with the story. Storytelling, newsflow planning, visibility campaigns and competitive positioning are all fundamental components to properly conveying your message, vision and value proposition. The right story engages your audience and compels them to action. Argot Partners prides itself on insightful and informed written deliverables, ensuring that the client’s long-term goals and investment rationale are communicated and that the company is positioned to create and preserve value.

Investor Relations

Investors & Analysts are Vital Audiences

Knowing the audiences that can help realize the value of your enterprise, and understanding their diligence needs, is a foundational practice at Argot Partners. We work with senior management and IR professionals on all IR needs, from targeting and outreach to ongoing relationship management, from quarterly announcements to key outcomes communication, and from banking conference planning and execution to medical meeting support. With our proprietary CRM, Acumen, we help you manage and track your relationships over time to help translate interest into action.

Attracting Capital Is Fundamental to Success

As with all things related to the capital markets, timing is everything. Argot Partners will help advise you on when and where to seek investors that can support your next financing. We work together with your banking team to ensure both an efficient offering process and an allocation that will help support your long-term success. Our independence from the capital markets and its associated fees allows us to put our clients first.

Initial Public Offerings

The Transition to the Public Markets is a Complex Process

Argot Partners brings a depth of knowledge and discipline to the process of offering your securities to the public for the first time. IPOs and other vehicles to bring a company public are a communications-intensive period and involve storytelling that lives well beyond the transaction. Companies must also establish best practices in anticipation of operating as a public company and prepare for increased scrutiny from a variety of audiences. It is through this lens that we seek to advise our clients not just on the offering, but in the transition to life as a public company.

Merged Media

Merged Media – Print, Digital, Broadcast – are Force Multipliers That Project Your Story and Give it Dimension

Merged media draws together the disciplines of earned media and digital/social strategy to amplify your story and reach audiences from investors to current/prospective employees, key opinion leaders, HCPs, regulators, lawmakers, patients and their advocates.

Argot Partners has delivered on media campaigns that touch both industry media and broader consumer and mass media, from morning shows to Time Magazine, to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Be it a “coming out of stealth” announcement or a major industry transaction, our media team delivers broad coverage of meaningful corporate news by leveraging decades of media relationships.

Social/digital strategy takes this further by delivering unfiltered narratives that project your culture, your mission, your values, your data and your scientific leadership. Argot Partners delivers campaigns that garner attention within industry and beyond, all with a specific corporate goal in mind, be it recruiting, corporate cohesiveness, clarifying your approach or positioning, highlighting your investment rationale or sharing complex data.

Key Outcome, Partnership &
Special Situation Communications

Communications Tailored to Your Specific Business Needs

Key data announcements, partnerships, product approvals, executive and Board transitions, corporate repositioning, regulatory updates, ESG, DEI, and many other key outcome and special situation communications require foresight and experience to handle effectively.

Reputation is built in drops and lost in buckets. Argot Partners, through years of experience and a deep bench of senior communicators, has built communications programs around countless key outcome, partnership and special situations announcements that can alter corporate trajectory. We share our depth of knowledge internally, adjudicate strategy among our team members and provide case studies and backup where appropriate to ensure our clients can confidently communicate through periods of transformation or challenge.

Building Your Brand

The visual representation of complex biological processes and pathways, data, drug mechanisms, corporate strategy and timelines can be the difference between effectively communicating a story or not. Our design team integrates a number of disciplines to help you translate complex ideas into a visual medium that enhances understanding and recall. Our offerings include:

Commercial Readiness & Launch

Commercializing Your Product

Preparing for a successful commercial launch is critical for companies as they advance their pipelines, as is sustaining the momentum of an approved product that is on the market. Argot collaborates with BW Health Group, a Danforth Advisors Company, to bring clients market research, patient insights, and the full range of commercial readiness, product launch and post-launch product marketing services.